Flew back to Kirkwall on Friday night, repacked all my stuff before setting off for the Family Day.
No room to launch rockets so I spent the day doing the mind-blowingly banal pinprick constellations, the kids enjoyed it though. The crowds were good but hard to compare with last year as we were in three separate rooms.
I was amazed when on little lad, about 7 or 8 years old, said to me, "You came to our school last year." Now had remembered me for the right reasons or the wrong reasons??
On Sunday, I went to visit my brother and his wife, hope you like the view from their front window. After that, I went up to the Brough of Birsay to visit an old friend I worked with in Hull almost 40 years ago. The view from his window is just as stunning but I didn't take any pictures!
On Monday, I spent most of the day trying to find the age of the universe with Hubble's original data. It didn't go too well, just one group found Hubble's constant but we didn't get any further. Not the kids' fault, I don't think I had as much time as when I did the same thing at Going Nova 2009.
Today, I did my talk on the Moon in the big cinema in Kirkwall, about 70 people there and a lot of questions afterwards, far more than last year. A lot of people said some very complimentary things about my images afterwards so I was quite pleased.
Off to Kirkwall later this afternoon for the Council Reception so maybe I will get a chance to see some people. I've been away doing things on my own all week and haven't been to any of the events apart from my own!
As I was driving back to Kirkwall, the Sun was setting behind me and I could see very faint anti-crepuscular rays in the east. I've been aware of them just once before.
1 comment:
Sounds like a busy few days. Laughing at the banal pinprick constellations comment! Worried about you launching rocks though!
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